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La coordination des systèmes de protection sociale à l’épreuve du droit fran?ais
Thèse en Droit, soutenue le 23 mars 2023
Mots clés : Systèmes de protection sociale - Coordination - Sécurité sociale - Droit international - Mobilité - Droit européen - Conflits de lois - Prestations sociales
If in the era of trade globalization, the phenomenon of mobility is constantly increasing, its exercise is not without consequences for the social protection of individuals. Therefore, while preserving the specific characteristics of each national system, international coordination rules drawn up by the European Union, the Council of Europe, the ILO or between two States, aim to mitigate these difficulties of articulation between legislations. This work invites the reader to think about the influence exerted by French law on these international texts. The balances of power identified relate first of all, to the territorial competence of the coordination rules and of national law. The former has a significant influence on the territoriality of the French system, in view of their guiding principles aimed at preventing potential conflicts of laws and ensuring continuity of rights. It is a matter of "deterritorializing" internal law. Consequently, coordination seems to be sufficient to extricate itself from the particularities of the latter. Henceforth, its action appears much more perfectible when it comes to applying these general principles to French social benefits. The material and personal scope of application, which varies according to the texts, the inadequate or obsolete nature of certain coordination mechanisms, and the difficulties in articulating international supports are all elements that undermine the effectiveness of the rules applicable to France. While the influence of these international rules is therefore significant but necessary for the territorial nature of the French social protection system, it may be incomplete and imperfect to coordinate the entire content of this national law with other countries. An overhaul of French coordination must therefore be considered.
Keywords : Social security system - Coordination - Social welfare - International law - Mobility - European law - Conflicts of laws - Social security benefitsDirectrice de thèse : Dominique ASQUINAZI-BAILLEUX
Membres du jury :
- Mme ASQUINAZI-BAILLEUX Dominique, Directrice de thèse, Professeure des Universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3,
- M. COURSIER Philippe, Rapporteur, Ma?tre de conférence habilité à diriger des recherches, Université Paris Coté, Malakoff,
- M. LHERNOULD Jean Philippe, Rapporteur, Professeur des universités, Université de Poitiers,
- Mme MEIFFRET-DELSANTO Kristel, Ma?tre de conférence habilitée à diriger des recherches, Université de Lorraine, Institut du travail, Nancy,
- M. NOURISSAT Cyril, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3,
- M. PATAUT Etienne, Professeur des universités, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.
Présidente du jury : Cyril NOURISSAT