- Institutional life,
- Student life,
- University life,
My health | My support services
Do you need help with a health problem, temporary or more permanent difficulties, whether financial, personal or of any other kind? The University can help you thanks to its existing services and facilities. Take a look!
- Medical consultation | First aid
The Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion Centre (SMPPS) offers all University students medical consultations by appointment: general medicine, gynaecology, psychology, dietetics, alternative examination arrangements, etc.
An emergency, need a quick opinion or first aid? The infirmary welcomes you for consultations with or without an appointment.
Please note: the confidentiality of interviews is guaranteed by professional secrecy. All services are free of charge and accessible without a French health insurance card (carte vitale).
? Find out more about the support offered by the SMPPS - Benefit from support in the event of difficulties
If you are experiencing personal, financial or social difficulties of any kind, whether temporary or permanent, you can benefit from emergency aid or measures depending on your situation (reimbursement of enrolment fees, the social section of the Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives (FSDIE), grants, etc.). Don’t hesitate to contact the Crous social service and the social assistants (confidentiality guaranteed).
? To make an appointment with a social service assistant (a prerequisite for any request), send an email to ssocial@crous-lyon.fr indicating your name, institution, field of study, reason for the request and telephone number.
For more information, please contact the social action team at the Student Life Centre.
? Find out more about the different types of support (Link to additional content in French) - Episcia, the student social and solidarity grocery shop
Opened in September 2022 on the Manufacture des Tabacs 威廉希尔中文网站, the Episcia social and solidarity grocery shop supports students in financial difficulty to help them save money on their food and daily budget.
Supported by the Lyon 3 sustainable development association (L3DD) and backed by Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, it aims to fight against student poverty and social isolation and to offer a place for living, exchanging and showing solidarity in all its forms.
- Students with disabilities
Do you have a disability? Alternative examination arrangements, a multi-service area to assist with daily life, the loan of equipment, specific tools, etc. The University’s Student Disability Services teams will support you throughout your studies.
Contact them at the start of term and no later than 15 October 2022 for your specific arrangement requests.
? Find out more about the Student Disability Services - Action against Discrimination and Harassment
Are you a witness to or victim of discrimination or harassment at the University? The University’s Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Unit (CADH) is at your side.
A place where victims or witnesses of discrimination or harassment within the institution can be listened to, guided and supported, this unit is committed to responding to the situations referred to it and to acting to prevent all abusive behaviour.
? Find out more about the CADH (connect via the Net3 student intranet)