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HAFEZ Khadiga
L'accord général sur le commerce des services et les pays en développement. Dimension juridique, enjeux de développement
Thèse en Droit mention Droit international, Européen et comparé soutenue le 23 octobre 2015
The aim of the contemporary international economic law is in principle to achieve a better harmonization between the expansion of trade and the growth of the developing countries. This harmonization is not always evident or clear in some areas of the international economic law particulary in the services sector. The legal aspects of the relationship between a multilateral Agreement such as the GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) and developing countries are indeed dialectic especially in the context of their status in the framework of this Agreement on the one hand and its legal consequences on the other hand. The study takes its place in this dialectic and attempts to identify the legal dimension and the development challenges of this relationship. It is within this context that the research will present the formal flexibility of the GATS against the developing countries in the first place and the relativity of its effects in a second.
Mots clés : AGCS, services, pays en développement, OMC, droit international économique, accès aux marchés, traitement national, nation la plus favorisée, libéralisation.
Keywords : GATS, services, developing countries, WTO, international economic law, market access, national treatment, most favoured nation, liberalization
Membres du jury :
- Laurence BOISSON DE CHAZOURNES, Professeur des universités, Université de Genève
- Ghérari HABIB, Professeur des universités, Université d’Aix Marseille
- Louis-Augustin BARRIERE, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Ahmed MAHIOU, Professeur émérite, Université d’Aix Marseille
- Louis BALMOND, Professeur des universités, Universités de Toulon
- Stéphane DOUMBE-BILLE, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon3
Mention : Très Honorable
Equipe d'accueil : EDIEC