Digital Work Environment and Learning Lab
Net?: Student Intranet
Follow the Lyon 3 news, monitor your academic studies or get information!
User: student number (7 digits).
Password: the one given by Lyon 3 or selected upon enrollment.
Your e-mail address
Once enrolled at Lyon 3, you will be given a personal email address that will appear on your student card:
Tip: It is a good idea to check your emails regularly as the university will send you important information throughout the year.
Technological tools
Numerous technoligical tools are available on the intranet: academic studies portal, pedagogical platform, platform for professional integration...
Center for Digital Learning
The Learning Lab
A genuine site for learning experimentation, the University’s Learning Lab is an area dedicated to administrative and teaching staff and students. It contains the latest technological innovations and equipment, specifically designed to encourage group, collaborative or cooperative work.
The Learning Lab is not only a tool for bringing new learning methods into the classroom, it is also a tool for all teaching staff, enabling them to test and experiment with new ways of teaching. It is also available for students working on supervised learning projects.
Throughout the year, the Digital Learning Support Centre team offers events where attendees can exchange and work with tools or themes related to digital learning and to Information and Communication Technologies for Education (ICTE).
>>> More information
(Link to additional content in French)
Helpful Tip!
Wifi is available on the different 威廉希尔中文网站es
Last updated: June 12, 2019