Universit¨¦ Jean Moulin Lyon 3_威廉希尔中文网站 Les 10 derni¨¨res actualit¨¦s Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University awarded the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (SD&SR) certification_威廉希尔中文网站 /jean-moulin-lyon-3-university-awarded-the-sustainable-development-and-social-responsibility-sdsr-certification <img src="/medias/photo/v_vigentte-logo-label-lyon-3-500x320_1736327014137-jpg" width="150px"><br>The success of our application validates the proactive nature of our policy, which has led the Board of Governors to adopt the SD-SER (sustainable development and social and environmental responsibility) Master Plan, setting concrete and quantifiable objectives for training students and staff and reducing our environmental footprint.<br> <br> <br> For Gilles Bonnet, President of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University:<br> <q>This award is both a great recognition and a valuable encouragement, validating and rewarding the work of our University School of Ecological Transition and the mobilisation of the entire university community, students, staff, services, component entities and laboratories. The award underlines the quality of our university¡¯s commitments to ecological transition, reflected in our placement as the leading French university in the UI GreenMetric 2024 ranking. </q><br> ? <h2><strong>About the award</strong></h2> The SD&SR ¨C Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility ¨C award for higher education was created in 2015. It stems from the collective work of around ten universities and grandes ¨¦coles, the Conference of Grandes ?coles (CGE), the Conference of University Presidents (CPU), the Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Ministry for Higher Education and the Student Network for an Ecological and Solidarity-Based Society (RESES).<br> <br> It provides national and international recognition for the sustainable development and social responsibility initiatives of French higher education and research institutions. It also enables institutions to develop their skills as part of a group of institutions that are committed to participating in the award committee and in auditing candidate institutions.<br> <br> ? <a class="lien_externe" href="https://www.label-ddrs.org/">Find out more</a><br> <br> ? <a class="lien_externe" href="https://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/fr/label-ddrs-developpement-durable-et-responsabilite-societale">Focus on the award ¨C French Ministry of Higher Education and Research website</a><br> <br> ? <a class="lien_externe" href="https://www.cirses.fr/">Cirses - National network of SD&SR managers</a> Mon, 03 Feb 2025 23:00:00 GMT /jean-moulin-lyon-3-university-awarded-the-sustainable-development-and-social-responsibility-sdsr-certification communication@univ-lyon3.fr (com web-com) 2025-02-03T23:00:00Z Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University receives the France 2030 ¡°AMI SHS¡± (call for expressions of interest in research programmes in the humanities & social sciences)_威廉希尔中文网站 /jean-moulin-lyon-3-university-receives-the-france-2030-¡°ami-shs¡±-call-for-expressions-of-interest-in-research-programmes-in-the-humanities-social-sciences <img src="/medias/photo/v_v-france-2030-500x320_1734688097732-jpg" width="150px"><br>The list of the six research consortia selected has just been made public by the French Government. <strong>Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, the recipient of several awards, is a member of three of the six consortia</strong>: ¡°D¨¦moCIS: the evolution of democracies¡±, ¡°ReligiS: religions¡± and ¡°FORESEE: the consequences of climate change¡±, which will each receive 9 million euros.<br> <br> This unprecedented and exceptional success for Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University reflects<strong> the dynamism of the institution¡¯s research laboratories and researchers.</strong> The application, led by Isabelle Delpla, Vice-President for Research, required months of work and cooperation with universities, grandes ¨¦coles and research organisations.<br> <br> Gilles Bonnet, President of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, is delighted with this success:<br> <q>The superb success of this call for projects shows that our strategy, led by Isabelle Delpla, was the right one, and that mobilising our researchers was particularly relevant in these three major subjects. Our ambition was to support the emergence of new cross-disciplinary collaborations with institutions throughout France. The recognition of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University as a leading national research player is excellent news and a great encouragement for the future.</q> <h2><strong>Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University is a member of the following award-winning consortia</strong></h2> <dl aria-label="Accord¨¦ons" class="ckeditor-accordion"> <dt>D¨¦moCIS : The evolution of democracies</dt> <dd> <p><strong>Led by the University of Lille, in partnership with the CNRS and Inria.</strong><br> <br> <strong>Members:</strong> Grenoble Alpes University, <strong>Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University,</strong> CY Cergy Paris University, IEP Saint Germain en Laye, IEP Grenoble<br> <br> Today¡¯s multifactorial democratic crisis is challenging our societies to (re)build the commons in the face of fragmented public spaces. D¨¦moCIS brings together an interdisciplinary group of excellence from four universities, three IEPs, the Institut Mines T¨¦l¨¦com, the CNRS and Inria (336 researchers and professors from 51 research units, including 16 CNRS joint research units and 1 CNRS proprietary research unit) to tackle four major challenges:</p> <ul> <li>Responding to the institutional crisis through democratic innovation;</li> <li>Rethinking the places and forms of citizenship expression;</li> <li>Acting against the polarisation of societies and information disorder;</li> <li>Strengthening threatened democracies.</li> </ul> </dd> <dt>ReligiS : Religions</dt> <dd> <p><strong>Led by the University of Strasbourg, in partnership with the CNRS.</strong><br> <br> <strong>Members </strong>: University of Lorraine, EHESS, INALCO, Sciences Po / FNSP, Aix-Marseille University, ENS Lyon, University Lumi¨¨re Lyon 2, the French School of Athens, <strong>Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University</strong>, EPHE, BNUS<br> <br> The issue of religions has become both ubiquitous and more problematic than ever, due to the extreme complexity and diversity of its manifestations, with many questions raised in the public debate. These developments pose new questions for institutions (government, local authorities, hospitals, schools, the justice system, prisons, businesses).<br> ReligiS focuses on the transformation of interactions between religions and societies in the contemporary world, from a long-term perspective. Its main objective is twofold: to develop a new scientific framework, resolutely open, interdisciplinary and international, in order to rethink the processes of transforming relations between religions and societies; and to create the institutional conditions for a large-scale change in the mechanisms and actions for transferring academic knowledge on religions to political decision-makers and society.</p> </dd> </dl> <dl aria-label="Accord¨¦ons" class="ckeditor-accordion"> <dt>FORESEE : The consequences of climate change</dt> <dd> <p><strong>Led by Grenoble Alpes University, in partnership with the CNRS and INRAE.</strong><br> <br> <strong>Members:</strong> University of Lille, <strong>Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University,</strong> University of Bordeaux, University Montpellier 3<br> <br> After decades of accumulating scientific knowledge, the consequences of climate change are now being felt, intimately and on a very large scale. The starting point of the Foresee project is that this experienced dimension of the consequences of climate change, which is still largely unexplored, is essential for understanding the diverse reactions that arise, for documenting the conflicting social dynamics they give rise to, and for proposing ways of bringing about sustainable and equitable change.<br> Foresee draws on the diversity of the humanities and social sciences to shed light on three interrelated issues: the plurality of discourses and arguments in the face of the consequences of climate change; the epistemological obstacles to understanding the planetary boundaries and the mechanisms of resilience, resistance and adaptation of territorial organisations; and finally the way in which (in)equality and (in)justice force us to profoundly revisit the foundations of the social contract.</p> </dd> </dl> <br> ? Mon, 03 Feb 2025 23:00:00 GMT /jean-moulin-lyon-3-university-receives-the-france-2030-¡°ami-shs¡±-call-for-expressions-of-interest-in-research-programmes-in-the-humanities-social-sciences communication@univ-lyon3.fr (com web-com) 2025-02-03T23:00:00Z Exhibition | The detail and the whole. Maps and images of the Rh?ne and Lyon area_威廉希尔中文网站 /exhibition-the-detail-and-the-whole-maps-and-images-of-the-rhone-and-lyon-area <img src="/medias/photo/v_detail-ensemble_1710847483614-jpg" width="150px"><br>The <span lang="fr">Archives d¨¦partementales et m¨¦tropolitaines</span> invite you to follow the way in which the representation of space in these areas has evolved over time.<br> <br> Maps have had to respond to different, increasingly varied and complex functions. However, certain demands can be observed at all periods, such as when it comes to developing land or fortifying places.<br> <br> <strong>Lyon</strong> naturally occupies <strong>a special place</strong> in this respect: cities were the focus of political and military attention from a very early stage, and mapping issues were particularly important there.<br> <br> ? <strong>Visit the exhibition page:</strong><br> <a href="https://archives.rhone.fr/page/le-detail-et-l-ensemble-cartes-et-images-du-territoire-rhodanien-et-lyonnais" class="lien_externe">https://archives.rhone.fr/page/le-detail-et-l-ensemble-cartes-et-images-du-territoire-rhodanien-et-lyonnais</a><br> <br> ? <strong>ICHC 2024 website :</strong> <a class="lien_interne" href="https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/" lang="en" hreflang="en" dir="ltr">https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/</a> Mon, 18 Mar 2024 23:00:00 GMT /exhibition-the-detail-and-the-whole-maps-and-images-of-the-rhone-and-lyon-area webmaster@univ-lyon3.fr (webmaster web-lyon3) 2024-03-18T23:00:00Z Exhibition | Vulnerabilities ... what do maps say?_威廉希尔中文网站 /exhibition-vulnerabilities-what-do-maps-say <img src="/medias/photo/v_visuel-paysage_1711708067788-jpg" width="150px"><br>The city of Lyon is vulnerable to a variety of events, whether sudden or long and undetectable, until they take hold and threaten. Most of these events have left behind only words, which are not enough to help us understand what happened, or how people dealt with it.<br> <br> This history is sometimes represented on maps or by images that allow us to grasp its scale and particularities. From this point of view, maps came late, accompanying a vision that was increasingly informed by science.<br> <br> This exhibition looks at the city from the point of view of its vulnerabilities, through documents that are rarely seen and even less shown, while today's cities are full of measures to ensure the utmost security.<br> <br> ? <strong>ICHC 2024 website :</strong> <a class="lien_interne" href="https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/" lang="en" hreflang="en" dir="ltr">https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/</a> Wed, 13 Mar 2024 23:00:00 GMT /exhibition-vulnerabilities-what-do-maps-say webmaster@univ-lyon3.fr (webmaster web-lyon3) 2024-03-13T23:00:00Z Exhibition | Teaching maps: on the trail of cartography at the University of Lyon_威廉希尔中文网站 /exhibition-teaching-maps-on-the-trail-of-cartography-at-the-university-of-lyon <img src="/medias/photo/v_vignette-actu-map-445x285_1716468399272-jpg" width="150px"><br>? <h5><strong>Teaching cartography at the University of Lyon</strong></h5> This exhibition will trace the development of the teaching of cartography. It will feature a number of maps and objects specific to this discipline.<br> <br> The cartographic approach has accompanied changes in the teaching of geography since the 19th century. It has always been present, and its place has gradually been consolidated within the University of Lyon.<br> <br> Through the cartographic productions and collections of the various geographers and cartographers who have succeeded each other in the different universities of Lyon, we invite you to follow <strong>150 years of geographical analyses</strong> that have been developed on site, sometimes on a local basis, sometimes covering and coming from afar.<br> <br> ? <strong>ICHC 2024 website :</strong> <a class="lien_interne" href="https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/" lang="en" hreflang="en" dir="ltr">https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/</a> Wed, 13 Mar 2024 23:00:00 GMT /exhibition-teaching-maps-on-the-trail-of-cartography-at-the-university-of-lyon webmaster@univ-lyon3.fr (webmaster web-lyon3) 2024-03-13T23:00:00Z Start of term 2023: photo highlights_威廉希尔中文网站 /start-of-term-2023-photo-highlights <img src="/medias/photo/v_vignette-actu-500x320_1696583659585-jpg" width="150px"><br>To the beat of DJ Carl¡¯s turntables, the University's students were able to take advantage of the free entertainment on offer throughout the day!<br> <br> <br> <strong>On the programme:</strong> information, tips, music, dance demos, sports presentations, guided tours, photobooth, temporary tattoos, student associations fair, graffiti workshop and lunch.<br> <br> <strong>A festive day in the sunshine to start the new university year!</strong><br> <br> ? <h5 style="text-align: center;"><strong>A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION<br> AND HAVE A GREAT YEAR AT UNIVERSITY! </strong></h5> <h2></h2> <h5><strong>? Photo highlights</strong></h5> ?<iframe allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="450" scrolling="no" src="https://mediatheque.univ-lyon3.fr/publication/ADQAMgFsBCJRO1AyA2ADNQc-VC0CIVI4DHwLclY6VWEOe1B-CmAAJgI1?s=4&bg=000000&t=1&a=0&f=1&o=0&skin=Html" width="700"></iframe> <h2></h2> <span class="kvideo"><div class="video-container" flv_div="true" flv_local="1"> <video poster="" width="640" height="360" style="width:100%;height:100%" controls="controls"> <source src="/medias/video/rentree-2023-lyon-3-mode-d-emploi-compressee-_1696585724040-mp4?ID_FICHE=1082255" type="video/mp4"> <object style="width:100%;height:100%" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/adminsite/scripts/libs/mediaElement/flashmediaelement.swf"> <param value="/adminsite/scripts/libs/mediaElement/flashmediaelement.swf" name="movie"> <param value="controls=true&file=/medias/video/rentree-2023-lyon-3-mode-d-emploi-compressee-_1696585724040-mp4?ID_FICHE=1082255" name="flashvars"> <param value="true" name="allowFullScreen"> </object> </video> </div></span><br> <br> ? Mon, 15 Jan 2024 23:00:00 GMT /start-of-term-2023-photo-highlights communication@univ-lyon3.fr (com web-com) 2024-01-15T23:00:00Z Exhibition | Paper trails - Maps and images of travel in France and elsewhere, 19th-21st century_威廉希尔中文网站 /exhibition-paper-trails-maps-and-images-of-travel-in-france-and-elsewhere-19th-21st-century <img src="/medias/photo/v_chemins-papier_1714653132653-jpg" width="150px"><br>Mobilities are complex phenomena, combining technical, political and cultural dimensions. The circulation of a wide variety of printed documents has supported their development in recent history. These documents have different functions: helping travellers (tourist guides or maps), inspiring them (fiction, iconography), reproducing journeys (narratives and exploration itineraries).<br> <br> From the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries, individual mobilities became more complex and intense in Europe. As a result, maps and guidebooks, inseparable instruments of travel and its representation, underwent a wide range of changes. This exhibition traces these <strong>developments, from the printed guide to the digital touch screen</strong>.<br> <br> ? <strong>Visit the exhibition page:</strong><br> <a class="lien_externe" href="https://www.bibliotheque-diderot.fr/acces-rapides/agenda/chemins-de-papier-cartes-et-images-du-voyage-en-france-et-ailleurs-xixe-xxie">https://www.bibliotheque-diderot.fr/acces-rapides/agenda/chemins-de-papier-cartes-et-images-du-voyage-en-france-et-ailleurs-xixe-xxie</a><br> <br> ? <strong>ICHC 2024 website :</strong> <a class="lien_interne" href="https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/" lang="en" hreflang="en" dir="ltr">https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/</a> Tue, 22 Aug 2023 22:00:00 GMT /exhibition-paper-trails-maps-and-images-of-travel-in-france-and-elsewhere-19th-21st-century webmaster@univ-lyon3.fr (webmaster web-lyon3) 2023-08-22T22:00:00Z Exhibition poster Exhibition | Representing the far away: an European view_威廉希尔中文网站 /exhibition-representing-the-far-away-an-european-view <img src="/medias/photo/v_lointain-bmlyon_1689776360857-png" width="150px"><br><strong>What is the far away?</strong><br> Another world, a country, a piece of land or sea, a piece of the universe that is difficult - sometimes impossible - to reach and grasp.<br> <br> The way it is perceived changes over time, depending on lifestyles, political plans and the technical resources of those who come into contact with it.<br> <br> We will take a look at the distant seen from Europe and by Europeans from 1450 to 1950 and consider the critical dimension of these representations.<br> <br> ? <strong>Visit the exhibition page:</strong><br> <a class="lien_externe" href="https://www.bm-lyon.fr/expositions-en-ligne/representer-le-lointain-un-regard-europeen-1450-1950">https://www.bm-lyon.fr/expositions-en-ligne/representer-le-lointain-un-regard-europeen-1450-1950</a><br> <br> ? <strong>ICHC 2024 website:</strong> <a class="lien_interne" href="https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/" lang="en" hreflang="en" dir="ltr">https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/</a> Tue, 18 Jul 2023 22:00:00 GMT /exhibition-representing-the-far-away-an-european-view webmaster@univ-lyon3.fr (webmaster web-lyon3) 2023-07-18T22:00:00Z Welcome to the students of the French Summer School 2023_威廉希尔中文网站 /bienvenue-aux-etudiants-de-la-french-summer-school-2023-1 <img src="/medias/photo/v_20230605-zs12657_1687271000663-jpg" width="150px"><br>During this 6-week program, students will follow <strong>French lessons and French Culture classes</strong>. They will also have the opportunity to <strong>explore new places</strong> as the Beaujolais, the Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, P¨¦rouges or the Resistance Museum of Lyon to satisfy their wanderlust.<br> <br> The aim of this <a class="lien_interne" href="/french-summer-school-a-lyon-3-france-1">short program</a> is to <strong>improve their level of French </strong>while having the opportunity to <strong>discover the culture connected to this language</strong>.<br> ? <h2><strong>First excursion</strong></h2> <br> As part of the program, the 16 international students left Lyon to <strong>explore the C?te d¡¯Azur</strong> for a week-end in the Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.<br> <br> After a few hours of bus and a stop by the city of Arles on the way back, in the footsteps of Vincent Van Gogh, students took up residence in a seaside hotel. Accompanied by a guide, they had the opportunity to visit the streets and to learn more about the history of the Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, which roots date back to the 4th century. The visit was full of highlights, such as climbing on the top of the Eglise des Saintes, fortified against invaders and pirates, and recognizable by its five bells.<br> <br> Students also enjoyed the richness and variety of Provencal landscapes during their free time, as well as a diner mixing flamenco music and Mediterranean culinary traditions.<br> <br> <img src="/medias/photo/4_1687271031229-jpg?ID_FICHE=1065391" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> ? <img src="/medias/photo/8_1687271102736-jpg?ID_FICHE=1065391" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> <br> <img src="/medias/photo/21_1687271170575-jpg?ID_FICHE=1065391" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> ? <img src="/medias/photo/18_1687271199050-jpg?ID_FICHE=1065391" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> Wed, 05 Jul 2023 22:00:00 GMT /bienvenue-aux-etudiants-de-la-french-summer-school-2023-1 florence.gras@univ-lyon3.fr (webmaster web-ri) 2023-07-05T22:00:00Z Student Festival | L¡¯Art au Moulin 2023_威廉希尔中文网站 /student-festival-lart-au-moulin-2023 <img src="/medias/photo/v_art-au-moulin_1678807022813-png" width="150px"><br><div style="text-align: center;"> <h3 style="text-align: right;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><em>Photo credit : <strong>Alex Delecaut, David Venier</strong></em></span></h3> <div style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">This multidisciplinary festival reveals students¡¯ talents, moving to the rhythm of their gestures and words. The festival¡¯s original performances showcase the creative work produced throughout the year in the </span><a class="lien_interne" href="/ateliers" style="font-size: 13px;">art workshops</a><span style="font-size: 13px;">: visual arts, singing, cinema, writing, music, photography & theatre.</span><br> ?</div> </div> <dl aria-label="Onglets" class="ckeditor-tabs"> <dt>THEATRE</dt> <dd> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>READING ALOUD</strong><br> Directed by Fr¨¦d¨¦rique Bruyas from the Compagnie Escargot Ma Non Troppo<br> <img src="/medias/photo/sans-titre_1678787005823-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><strong><em>THE CONFERENCE OF THE BIRDS</em></strong><br> <br> <strong>de Far?d od-d?n ¡®Att?r (1190)</strong></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Wednesday, 29 March | 6 pm</strong><br> Maison des ¨¦tudiants?| 90 rue de Marseille, Lyon 7<br> ?</p> <p>In 2014, <strong>Leili Anvar</strong> published a French verse translation of the long and arduous journey of the thousands of birds who set off in search of S?morgh, invisible to the eyes, indescribable in words. With <em><strong>The Conference of the Birds</strong></em>, ¡®Attar left 4,725 couplets for a path of discovery that ultimately leads us back to ourselves.</p> <p style="text-align: center;">Readers<br> <strong>Rena Ayatollahi</strong>, <strong>Agathe Lambert</strong>, <strong>Albert Roumy</strong>, <strong>Eddya Andriamparany</strong>, <strong>Salom¨¦ Maquet</strong>,<strong> Fabrice Marozeau</strong>, <strong>Vinciane Kouassi</strong>, <strong>Youssera Michel</strong>, <strong>Ines Ammiar</strong>, <strong>Victoria Nguyen</strong><br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;">***<br> <br> <strong>IMPROVISATIONAL THEATRE</strong><br> Directed by Claudine Olivier</p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="/medias/photo/sans-titre-1-_1678787280383-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><b>VOICE AND BODY IMPROVISATIONS<br> followed by A BOUQUET OF SONGS FROM AROUND THE WORLD</b></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Saturday, 1 March | 10 am</strong><br> Auditorium Malraux | 16 rue Rollet, Lyon 8</p> <p>Metamorphosis loud and clear, with or without words...<br> And when it speaks what does it say? Knock, knock, knock... Open the door<br> It¡¯s the song of the world...</p> <p><br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;">With <strong>Fabien Badel, Hugo Denis?- Mayis Grigoryan, Sofia Katsiouri,?Gabrielle Sienko,?Arianna Sordello,?Zuzanna Stepinska,?Kinga Szary,?Matthias Tang</strong><br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;">***<br> <br> <strong>FORUM THEATRE</strong><br> Directed by S¨¦verine Puel from the Cie Les Transformateurs<br> <br> <img src="/medias/photo/sans-titre-2-_1678787640390-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><strong>IT¡¯S NOT (JUST) A GAME</strong></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Thursday, 4 April | 6.30 pm</strong><br> Maison des ¨¦tudiants | 90 rue de Marseille, Lyon 7<br> ?</p> <p>How to react in situations of conflict or injustice?<br> Theatre for debating and reflecting together.<br> The Lyon 3 Forum theatre group is offering a participative theatre experience. Come and reflect with us, and why not get up on stage?<br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;">***<br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>THEATRE IN FRENCH</strong><br> Directed by Anne-Laure Pommier from the Cie Dr?le de Trame</p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="/medias/photo/sans-titre-4-_1678788862222-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><strong>COURAGE !</strong></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Wednesday, 5 April?| 8.30 pm</strong><br> Le Karbone MJC Monplaisir?|?25 avenue des Fr¨¨res Lumi¨¨re, Lyon 8<br> ?</p> <p><em>TAKE HEART!</em><br> Good evening citizens of Lyon! Welcome!<br> Tonight is the big night, tonight is special, tonight is theatre¡­<br> Tonight we will tell you some incredible and true stories of courage and cowardice.<br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;">***<br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b>[Canceled] THEATRE IN SPANISH</b><br> Directed by Francisco VILLANUEVA MACIAS<br> <br> <strong> <img src="/medias/photo/bandeau-divers-1-_1679399065137-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </strong></p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><strong>Al ROJO</strong></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Thursday, 6 April?| 6.30 pm</strong><br> Le Karbone MJC Monplaisir?|?25 avenue des Fr¨¨res Lumi¨¨re, Lyon 8<br> ?</p> <p>A gloomy room. An airless space. A weft of dissidence is woven, oscillating between the intense coughing, the muffled cry and the silence of a bourgeoisie trying to hide its miseries. A time of stitching that is entangled in prison torture. Corpses of mute models, prostitutes, misery, mirrors, masks, asphyxiation... <em>Al rojo</em>...<br> <br> <em>Habitaci¨®n l¨²gubre. Espacio sin aire. Se teje una trama de disidencia que oscila entre la tos intensa, el grito sordo y el silencio de una burgues¨ªa que trata de esconder sus miserias. Tiempo de costuras que se enreda en torturas carcelarias. Cad¨¢veres de maniqu¨ªes mudos, prostitutas, miseria, espejos, m¨¢scaras, asfixia¡­ Al rojo¡­</em></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><br> ***<br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b>THEATRE IN ENGLISH</b><br> <br> Directed by Oliver Firth, Clara Griffiths and Rebecca Mumby<br> ?</p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><strong>CRAZY IN LOVE</strong></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Thursday, 6 April?|? 8 pm</strong><br> Le Karbone MJC Monplaisir?|?25 avenue des Fr¨¨res Lumi¨¨re, Lyon 8<br> ?</p> <p>The play addresses?mental health empowerment,?with specific focus on?the acceptance and normalisation of a range of?disorders from?anxiety to ocd, and adhd.?There?is?an emphasis on displaying mental health struggles in a more light-hearted, humorous and relatable way.</p> </dd> <dt style="text-align: center;">VISUAL ARTS</dt> <dd> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>CIN?SMART SCREENING</strong><br> <br> Directed by Lionel Lacour<br> <img src="/medias/photo/bandeau-divers-3-_1679589316373-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><strong>SHORT FILMS</strong></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Monday, 27 March | 8 pm</strong><br> Bar l'Upper Side |?2 rue Professeur Rollet, Lyon 8<br> ?</p> <p>Come and watch a screening of short films made by our film students!<br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>The artistic team</strong><br> Florentin AIMAR,?Rokhaya BA, C¨¦lia BARRELLON, Ghadir FAHD, Marina FERREIRA PADIAL, Sofia KATSIOURI, Alyssia LEGRAS, Baptiste LOPES, Iwan?MICHEL, Matt¨¦o REUS,?Louane ROBERT, Margot TABACCO, Jeanne?TANGUY, Marsile?TOURON, Matt¨¦o TREVISAN</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><br> <br> ***<br> <br> <strong>ART EXHIBITION</strong><br> <br> Directed by Marie PERRIAULT</p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="/medias/photo/sans-titre-6-_1678792711866-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><strong>LIVING AND BRINGING THE PLACE TO LIFE</strong></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>From 29 March to 3 May</strong><br> Salle d'exposition biblioth¨¨que | 6 rue Rollet, Lyon 8<br> <br> <br> <strong>The artists</strong><br> Enola ACCARION, Dina AHMADZAI, Samuel ALEXY, Leslie BEDARD, Alexandre BLONDELLE, Elodie BOUVIER-LAMALLE, Elodie CABOSTE, Cl¨¦o CHANCRE, Sana¨¦ CLAUDIN, Nina COUSEW, Wangyang DUAN,?Karolina DUBERT, Nefise?DURANSOY, Manar EDDABDOUBI,?Felicia GERVASONI, Ardel GRASSET, El¨¦a GROUSSAUD, Rabah HARIR, Mariam HENEIN, Ana JIMENEZ SOTO, Aliz¨¦ LEMAITRE, Alexandra MAHAVANDE, Lizzie MARTIN, ?lise MAUFFREY-DO NASCIMENTO, Yousera MICHEL,?Emmanuelle MONGUILLET, Alia MORO, Emma MUFFAT, Solene?NABETH, Ebru OZBEK, Batoul SABSOOB, Oc¨¦ane TAISNE, Matthias TANG,?Yueqi TAO,?Sonia TEPORDEI, Matt¨¦o TREVISAN<br> <br> <br> <br> ***</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION</strong><br> Directed by Vincent Noclin</p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="/medias/photo/sans-titre-7-_1678793295806-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><strong>MANUFACTURERS</strong></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>From 3 to 10 April</strong><br> Bar l'Upper Side |?2 rue Professeur Rollet, Lyon 8<br> ?</p> <p>This semester, students take an original view of the Manufacture des Tabacs 威廉希尔中文网站, questioning the location in photographic images.<br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>The photographers</strong><br> Marylou ANTONIOL,?Sarah BENDIFALLAH, Elodie CABOSTE-SARTIN, Laurie CACCIATORE, Anastasiia CHUMACHENKO, Lila CLAUDEL, Douglas DE QUADROS ROCHA, Mathilde DUHAMEL, Sibila?FURTADO DIAS DO SACRAMENTO, Aviva?FUTORNICK, Cl¨¦mence GODIN, Anthony GRAND,?Lydia HADJI,?Salom¨¦ JACQUET, Jimenez ANA CECILIA, Amel KEHEL, Aliz¨¦ LEMAITRE, Insaf MECHRAOUI,?Farah OUTSSAKKI, Ines PERONNARD, Maria QUI?ONEZ MONTENEGRO, Louane ROBERT, Oscar ROUSSEL, Batoul SABSOOB, Anne-Lou SALOMONOVITCH, Naomi SANTORO,?Justine SCHLAPPI<br> Francesca SCHLAPPI, Marina VACHOT, Charlotte VANACORE<br> <br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;">***<br> ?</p> <h3 style="text-align: center;"></h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>DOCUMENTARY SCREENING</strong><br> <br> Directed by Vincent Noclin</p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="/medias/photo/sans-titre-8-_1678793670683-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><strong>SEARCHING</strong></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Monday, 3 April | 7 pm</strong><br> Bar l'Upper Side |?2 rue Professeur Rollet, Lyon 8<br> ?</p> <p>The students of the documentary workshop examined the daily life of a celebrity, but after several twists and turns, they had to reinvent their documentary.<br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>The artistic team</strong><br> Mariam BAALI, C¨¦lia BARRELLON, Sakina BELALA, Anis BETTEBGHOR, Tobias CHARRIER, Tiphaine CHASSAIGNE, Rayan CHERMAT, Esther COUDREAU, Emmanuel DA SILVA, Aksel DESBOIS, Sarah ELOMARI, Hugo GENEVE, Mathilde KURTH, Quentin MALLET, Nora MOUBARAK, Milan MUR, Solene NABETH, Sabrina OMOURI,?Sabina RAHOU, Isabel REINKEMEIER, Charlotte VANACORE</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></p> </dd> <dt style="text-align: center;">MUSIC</dt> <dd> <div style="text-align: center;"><strong>ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS</strong></div> <div style="text-align: center;">Directed by Thierry Vaysse<br> <br> <img src="/medias/photo/feeb18-5-_1678804335548-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </div> <p style="text-align: center;"><br> <strong>Wednesday, 26 April | 7 pm</strong><br> Le Karbone MJC Monplaisir |?|?25 avenue des Fr¨¨res Lumi¨¨re, Lyon 8</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><br> ?</p> <div style="text-align: center;">The pianists <strong>Claire Paquier, Ghia Honein and Hugo Exposito</strong> will be joined by the orchestra¡¯s string and wind soloists in the chamber music section.<br> <strong>Ariane Moulin and R¨¦mi Atasay</strong>, guest pianists, will be the soloists in two concertos accompanied by the orchestra.<br> ?</div> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Thursday, 1 June | 6.30 pm</strong><br> Auditorium Malraux | 16 rue Rollet, lyon 8</p> <div style="text-align: center;"></div> </dd> <dt style="text-align: center;">WRITING</dt> <dd> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>READING FICTION WRITING</strong><br> <br> Directed by Elise Bonnard<br> <br> <img src="/medias/photo/bandeau-divers_1679394258875-png?ID_FICHE=1060010" alt="" style="margin: 4px 5px; float: none;"> </p> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><em><strong>A THOUSAND AND ONE DREAMS</strong></em></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Wednesday, 5 April | 6.15 pm</strong><br> Salle d'exposition au?sous-sol de la biblioth¨¨que | 6 rue Rollet, Lyon 8<br> ?</p> <p>The FICTIONS workshop presents <strong><em>A Thousand and one Dreams</em></strong>, the magazine that deciphers your nights.<br> <br> Is it a good sign to dream about the Snow Queen? Should you keep your cuddly toy after the age of 18? How can you sleep like a baby? Our most renowned specialists will meet to present the results of their research and answer all your questions. Dreamers of all levels accepted!<br> ?</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>The authors</strong><br> Aksel DESBOIS,?Nefise DURANSOY, Nour-El-Houda?HASSANI, Ben HIMIDI, No¨¦mie LEUBA, B¨¦r¨¦nice?MARTIN, Clara PICHON, Dylan PROVOST</p> </dd> </dl> <div style="text-align: center;"><br> <br> ?</div> Tue, 18 Apr 2023 22:00:00 GMT /student-festival-lart-au-moulin-2023 communication@univ-lyon3.fr (com web-com) 2023-04-18T22:00:00Z